Welcome to Radar Driving License School

Our prices are commensurate with the capacity of our clients and we have arranged for our trainees to pay once, twice or three times as much as they can afford.

Motorcycle training

Automotive training

Public-1 training

Most of the traffic accidents in our country are caused by drivers, In order to alleviate this serious problem, it is important to provide adequate training to drivers who are well-versed in driving skills, basic techniques and road safety lessons in the transportation industry to save the lives of many individuals Providing proper education and training is important and can save lives and prevent damage to individuals, families, and property.

Radar Driving License School is a responsible institution that has been training thousands of ethical, credible and competent drivers for the past eleven years with the aim of providing qualified drivers to reduce traffic accidents. In the future, our company is working hard to expand its training sectors and create more efficient drivers, saving many lives from traffic accidents.

In accordance with the Driver Certification Proclamation No. 1074/2010, The Guardian of the House of Peoples’ Representatives of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, we are training qualified drivers to meet the required driving qualifications nationwide.

Radar Driving License School provides scientific training on driver behaviour by Identifying trainees with bad behaviours by prioritizing their personal characteristics prior to their driving skills, and scientifically studying the traits of trainee drivers in a scientific manner.

Our Courses

Motorcycle training

Automotive training

Public-1 training

Dry-1 training

Public-2 training

Dry-2 training

What makes us Different

  1. We offer a wide range of training, including ethics, vehicle inspections, and road signs, before our trainees begin formal training.
  2. Our prices are commensurate with the capacity of our clients and we have arranged for our trainees to pay once, twice or three times as much as they can afford.
  3. Our training facility has its own library, workshop, and computer room, making it even more desirable.
  4. Our training facility is run by a strong management team and is staffed by qualified teachers and technicians.
  5. Classroom training is a must and we provide training for those who are not comfortable with it.
  6. We will be tested by our own teachers and reviewers before our trainees complete their practical training and are offered the final test on road transport.